The Best Bible Studies for Women

Gathering with a small group of women to study God’s word has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. Walking through life’s seasons side by side, sharing the beautiful and painful parts of life; supporting and encouraging one another; challenging and growing together as moms, wives, and women–there are few things that fill my cup more. Finding great resources can be tricky, which is why I wanted to share some of my favorite bible (and book) studies for women that I’ve personally loved.

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To Know & Be Known

As women, we want to be known and loved for who we are and for me, bible study has always been one of those places where I’ve experienced this most. That place where cozied up on the couch, fingers wrapped around a hot cup of coffee and toes curled into the cushions of the couch, we bare the parts of us that feel too vulnerable to share, the ways we want to change, the challenges our families are facing. We celebrate the joys and answered prayers and share the pain of a child struggling or valleys where we feel stuck or stagnant.  

My bible study used to joke that we need a box of tissues at every gathering because when our group first started meeting, we rarely made it through a morning without tears. I still remember sitting at the beautiful marble counter of my friend’s home, sharing one of my deepest fears and sobbing into my blueberry muffin. What I didn’t know is that God would knit our group together before we knew the extent that we would need each other. I didn’t know when I gathered this group together that in a group of only 6 of us, two of these women would face the life-changing diagnosis of a child with cancer.  

The God of Names

I’ve learned that God is the God of names. That he places names on our hearts, in our minds, and ordained over our lives before we are even born.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
    before you were born I set you apart;
    I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

Jeremiah 1:5

When the momma who was fighting for her child’s life, had named her baby, she didn’t know that the name she chose, which means “God has healed” would be a promise for his future, a banner over his life. 

When our group was almost completely formed, the Lord put a name on my heart. It was someone I didn’t know very well, but the little that I knew told me she was pretty special. In the handfuls of conversations we had shared while our kids played tennis one winter, I knew she was a wealth of wisdom, of depth, and of goodness. One of those people who can hold space in the messiest parts of your life and celebrate in the most lovely. Who offers grace in brokenness and where your struggles are safe.  

When the Lord placed her name in my mind, I didn’t know that she had the gift of encouragement that would give life and nourishment to these women in the cancer hell they would walk through. That when we prayed fighting for these babies lives with tears streaming down our faces and none of us had the right words to say, this friend would speak truth and hope from heaven over these women and into their situation.   

The Lord knew that we would need each other before we knew ourselves.  

When the Lord weaved the names for this group together, I didn’t know that these two mamas would end up at the same hospital, at the same time, on the same floor fighting for their babies lives just doors apart. That when none of us quite knew what these friends were going through, that they would have each other.

But He knew.

My Favorite Bible Studies

Over the years, I’ve worked through a lot of books and studies individually as well as with many different bible studies and small groups and have found that great resources for a bible or book study are a treasure. There is something incredibly bonding about diving into God’s word and his truth together. Our group has a rhythm of doing a meatier more in-depth study in the fall and then a lighter study or book in the spring. This has worked well for us, as everyone is ready for a solid study in the fall and craving something lighter by the time spring hits and the busy sport season is about to begin.

Here are just a few of my recent favorites to work through with a small group.

  1. Discerning the Voice of God – Priscilla Shirer
  2. Victorious Emotions: Creating a Framework for a Happier You – Wendy Backlund
  3. Cultivate: A Grace-Filled Guide to Growing an Intentional Life – Lara Casey
  4. What Happens When Women Walk in Faith – Lysa Terkeurst
  5. The Armor of God – Priscilla Shirer
  6. Experiencing God – Henry T. Blackaby
  7. Chase Study Guide: Chasing After the Heart of God – Jennie Allen 
  8. Anything and Restless – Jennie Allen 
  9. Crazy Love – Francis Chan (and small group workbook)
  10. The Life-Giving Home and The Life-Giving Table – Sally Clarkson

This next list are a few studies that I’m looking forward to doing in the future, especially number 1, which was just released today!

  1. Find Your People – Jennie Allen
  2. Finding I Am – Lysa Terkeurst
  3. Better – Jen Wilkin
  4. Matchless – Angie Smith (& Matchless Teen Girl’s Study)
  5. Trustworthy – Lysa Terkeurst

If you are not already in some kind of small group, my hope and prayer is that you find one to join…or that you start a new group. We are made to connect, to do life together and not alone. If you have any questions or need help with how to move forward, please reach out! (You can message me privately here.)