New Beginnings

Why is it that with each passing year, we become convinced that we shouldn’t be beginners anymore.

We should have learned to ski by now, should already have that degree, should know how to stay organized, and should pretty much have this motherhood gig figured out.

Last year, we spent part of our Christmas celebrating with my side of the family at my sister’s townhouse in Suncadia. We had made reservations for ice skating, so the first night a group of the adults and cousins bundled up and ventured over to the outdoor rink.

If you’ve never been to Suncadia, just picture a Hallmark movie set in the mountains—crackling bonfire, Christmas music playing, and twinkling lights strung across a moonlit pond. Truly. The only thing missing is Candace Cameron in a red coat. It’s a pretty magical place to be anytime, but especially during the holidays.

Skating is hard work when you are just learning, but that night the ice was extra slippery. Watching the tenacity of my youngest as he worked his way painstakingly around the rink, I was struck by his willingness to be a beginner. To work so hard and make very little progress. To feel so awkward. To fall over and over, often while still clinging to the rail. But always he would pick himself up and begin again.

Observing his determination was eye-opening. I think as adults we often let pride get in our way. We worry too much about what people will think or say and we forget to live with passion and abandon. It leads me to ask the question, if you were willing to be a beginner,
to try and to fail,
to risk looking foolish,
to feel out of your element,
to be the youngest (or oldest) in the class…

what would YOU begin?

Would you start a new college program?

Become a foster parent?

Learn cake decorating?

Get your real estate license?

Serve at your local food bank?

Join a gym for the first time?

A new year is approaching…what will you be a beginner at this year?