
Making a Soul Care List

As moms, we work hard daily to make sure everyone’s buckets are full. We love our people–big and little–with our whole heart, yet all too often, we can find ourselves exhausted, overwhelmed, and burned out. With all the roles we manage in life–mom, wife, sister, daughter, business owner, caregiver, entrepreneur, friend–not to mention the duties in our life–homeschooling, chauffeur, meal planner, cook, nurse, cleaner, teacher, coach, etc.–it’s no wonder that the load we carry can begin to feel like it’s crushing us. Maybe you are an exhausted momma with a colicky newborn and busy toddler; or you’re trying to navigate the school system with a special needs child while managing a full-time job; or you’re experiencing the weight of a teen struggling with mental health issues–regardless of your unique situation, in order to keep pouring out to the people you love and investing where it counts, it’s vital to take the time to refuel your own soul.

We, as women hold the candle for so many, and so we have to prioritize beauty in our own lives. By beauty, I mean the things that bring you joy, that fuel your creativity, that make you feel alive.

Do you love hiking to a new destination, gathering a bouquet of freshly cut flowers, a heartfelt conversation with a dear friend, or maybe a hot cup of lavender tea with a drizzle of raw honey…while these little things may feel insignificant, they are actually vital to keeping our wells from running dry so that we may live grace-filled and abundant lives.

Have you thought about what rejuvenates your spirit and nourishes your soul? If you can, take a minute right now–grab a pretty pen and your favorite notepad–and write a list of 10 things that inspire, nourish, and/or renew you. What fills you up is unique to you, so its important to make your own list, but here is mine to get you started.

My Soul Care List:

  • Early mornings with my bible and a good cup of coffee
  • Dinner out with my girlfriends
  • Planning time to make lists and write in my Goal Planner
  • Checking off a bucket list activity (zip lining, a new hike, biking a fun trail)
  • Quality dark chocolate (I love Ghirardelli dark & sea salt caramel squares)
  • Coffee dates and deep conversations with a best girlfriend
  • Kayaking on the lake
  • Meandering through little shops and bookstores with a hot drink in hand
  • Reading a good book (love a mystery/thriller!)
  • Trying a new restaurant or cuisine
  • Taking a mini trip with my family to a new place
  • Baking, especially oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Yum.

Now take your list and post it on your fridge or clip it in your planner and try something from your list each week. It might be as simple as starting a little nighttime tea ritual to recharge after the kids go to bed, pouring that cup of tea and lighting a scented candle, but whatever you do, know that investing in your soul is worthy of your time.