A Healthy Lifestyle Reset

Let’s admit it, for many of us, 2020 would probably not earn us the healthiest eater award. It was all too easy during the chaos and unpredictability of the past year to lean into comfort eating, grabbing for a sweet treat or salty snack out of stress, boredom, or procrastination. On top of comfort eating, for most of us, our activity level dropped significantly with the elimination of so many of our usual routines and daily activities, like grocery shopping, running errands, walking to coffee, going out with friends, or taking the kids to sporting events to name a few. Sure, we may have all hit it hard walking, hiking and biking in the spring of 2020, but for most of us, the momentum began to wane as soon as we saw that first batch of gooey chocolate chip quarantine cookies on Instagram. Some years are all about survival folks.

This year we made a temporary switch to homeschooling my boys and because we were home way too much so much of the day, it became easy to fill any kind of void or cover over uncomfortable emotions with food. 7 year old refusing to do his writing? Have a handful of pretzels. Boys arguing over whose turn it is to empty the dishwasher. Where did I put those chocolate chips? Perpetual math meltdowns…are all of those little baggies of fruit snacks gone? Every last one? Whew. That was quite a year. There was also beauty and reflection and a slowing down to savor this season of motherhood, as well as newfound anxiety for many of us, lack of control over the future, and just trying to get through a very full spring after almost a year of little on the calendar.

My boys go through food at an alarmingly rapid rate and as growing, active boys, they need it. Me? Well, I stopped growing a while ago, but because I am often in the kitchen prepping snacks and meals, if I’m not careful I can completely derail my eating habits just hanging out with my favorite crew.

I know the impact my food choices have on my energy, health, and confidence and the importance of fueling my body with nourishing foods and exercising regularly–I feel so good and have so much more zest for life. So this fall, I am working on resetting my routines and habits to get back to a healthy lifestyle–not a perfect one–a sustainable one, that leaves me feeling energized and strong, while still leaving room for my favorite indulgences and enjoying gatherings with friends and family. I’ll be sharing some of my favorite healthy snacks, go-to lunches, and how to eat well when you are traveling. If you are wanting to make some healthy changes in your own life, follow along!!