Halloween 2021

Halloween was an absolute blast this year. It was a gorgeous night, clear and chilly with starry skies, and the kids were so excited to trick-or-treat with their friends and cousins! We kicked off the night with take out. Chipotle was having a special for Halloween offering $5 booritos, so we ordered dinner to go and took it to Steve’s parents place to show the grandparents their costumes and have dinner.

Emma’s friend met up with us there and after dinner we headed out to meet my sister- and brother-in-law and three other families to trick-or-treat. We have a favorite spot we meet at that we’ve gone to for a couple years now with very little traffic, beautiful views, and the cutest, most festive homes! All the pumpkins, twinkle lights, and lanterns have inspired me to up my front porch decorating game (it’s weak!). They reminded me of my sister who is always so good at decorating for the holidays.

Dawson thoroughly enjoyed coming along as a hot dog with LED light-up mustard. He loves to be in on the action and go wherever his family goes! We had football players, knights, Home Alone characters, friendly skeletons, peanut butter and jelly…and one of the moms found the best Elf costume at the Goodwill and was decked out as Buddy the Elf, we told her she should definitely break it back out in December!

The older girls explored the neighborhoods while the younger ones went from house to house.

After trick-or-treating, the boys sorted all their loot and then traded each other for their favorites.

I think I am going to have very tired, grumpy kids this morning when they wake up–it’s a little brutal to have Halloween on a Sunday right before the school week.

Well, now that Halloween is over it’s time to start planning for the holidays! Have a wonderful start to your week!


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