Introducing a New Healthy Living Series

There are few things I’m more passionate about than women breaking up with dieting and embracing a life of health and wellness. I’ve experienced both ways of living and I would never go back to the hamster wheel of food obsession, deprivation, and guilt. My junior year in college, after an exhaustive struggle with my weight, I adopted a lifestyle of eating well and taking care of myself and I’ve never looked back.

The joy and freedom this has created in my own life motivates me to make prioritizing health and wellness a way of life for me and my family and I love sharing what I’ve learned in hopes that others can experience success in this area as well.

I find that one of the number one things holding women back from living fully into their purpose or showing up for their lives is due to food- or weight-related struggles (been there!). It pains me to see so many women living at war with their weight and sometimes, as a result, their self-worth.

I get angry at all the noise that our modern society has created surrounding body image, food, and weight, and I’m so over all the confusing and often contradictory messages surrounding food groups and diet trends. I honestly don’t pay attention to any of the fads these days. Food should not waste our precious brain space and energy and a sustainable lifestyle does not need to be trendy, time consuming, expensive, or complicated.


What would it look like to feel good in your skin?
To eat things that make you feel amazing–that support your lifestyle, your hair, skin, nails, cellular structure, joints, and organs?
To eat when you are hungry, to savor your food, and then move on to living your life?
To enjoy real treats guilt-free and with zero shame.

Fit Lifestyle Jumpstart

January is the perfect month for a healthy living reset, so we are going to spend this next month focusing on how to create a Fit Lifestyle that you actually enjoy and that makes you feel incredible. We’ll dive into topics including:

  • Changing your mindset around food and exercise
  • Dismantling the diet cycle
  • Designing a health and fitness routine that is sustainable
  • Creating a framework for eating in a way that brings order to your day
  • Building healthy habits to support your goals
  • Defining what success looks like for you (this is different for everyone!)

Start Here

So then, where do we start?

The first step you can take is this: Choose to stop deferring your happiness to a later date and instead show gratitude for the body you have now. You can be thankful for the skin you are in today–the years of life your body has carried you through, the babies you’ve birthed, the laughter, miles, memories, and experiences it’s allowed you to have,


You can desire change.

These may seem mutually exclusive, but they don’t have to be. I believe in being grateful for your body right now–even if it’s not where you want to be in 3 to 6 months. Being so proud of all your body has done for you…AND desiring and taking action towards growth. The two can and should coexist.

You do not deserve to wear jeans you feel good in when you lose the weight. You deserve to feel good in your clothes now. In fact, I believe that when you choose to wear what makes you feel good right where you are, it will actually accelerate change, helping you move in the direction you want to go faster.

You are worthy as you are. You are enough right now. You are lovable today.

But, if food or your weight consume too much of your thoughts, if you don’t have the stamina or energy that you crave, if your doctor has asked you to get down to a healthy weight for your heart, your joints, or your health, or you know you will simply feel better if you shed some weight, then you can create lasting change starting this month.

I am so excited for you to make a commitment to yourself to start putting your desires into action.

Next week we’ll kick off the first post in the Fit Lifestyle Jumpstart Series. Wherever you are on your health journey, I hope we can learn and grow in this area together!

Fit Lifestyle Jumpstart Series — Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4


Disclosure: I am not a doctor or medical professional. This is not medical advice. I am sharing my experiences, what I have learned, and what has worked for me. Please work with a doctor or nutritionist to create a customized plan, especially if you have any kind of healthy condition or need recommendations for a special diet (keto, vegan, etc.). Please consult with your doctor before you begin to make any diet- or exercise-related changes.