
Christmas Bucket List Printable & Weekend Recap

Good morning friends! I hope you’ve had a smooth start to your Monday! We are getting excited for Christmas break around here, so I’m sharing a Christmas Bucket List Printable today for a little holiday activity inspiration. It’s what I’ll be using over break to make sure we squeeze in some Christmas fun the last few weeks of December.

This morning we woke up to a thick layer of fresh snow…and sizzling bacon. Not a bad way to wake up. It’s theme week at school, so my boys are planning out their Christmas week wardrobe. This is the only time all year when they take time to plan out what they are wearing. Ha! This month is flying by, a little too quickly for me–I’m still working on finishing up the last of my shopping and gift wrapping. If you have any gifts left to buy, I shared a Gift Guide here with my best gift ideas for boys. We are coming off a very full weekend of activity and I’m feeling like I could use a second weekend to recover from this one, but I still wouldn’t change a thing!

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Basketball Tourney

This weekend we traveled to Chelan for a basketball tournament and had the best time watching the boys play their hearts out on the court.

They won 2 games and lost 1, but what was really special is that each boy had a shining moment during the tournament. As a parent, I’ve learned to care less about the outcome of a game and more about my kids working hard, playing with heart, and giving it their all. At the end of the day, I want sports to help shape who they are as a person–that they play with integrity, that they are team-focused, and that they learn how to do hard things with a good attitude. We are still a work in progress over here, but are seeing some really exciting moments with these boys.

I’ve been so proud of the way my husband has coached this team. Coaching AAU requires a lot of time and dedication, especially after missing a year of play due to Covid, so it’s been pretty special to watch the team grow together and celebrate each other’s progress. Their character, teamwork, and dedication is really starting to shine through, which is such a joy to watch.

Ski Season Begins!

This weekend it finally snowed up at Mission Ridge, so Ashton and his buddy enjoyed their first day up on the mountain together, while I cozied up in the lodge to get some work done.

Christmas Bucket List

This year I’m saving a lot of our Christmas activities for when the kids are on Christmas break so that I’m not racking my brain for what to do when they are out of school–I’m not very creative under pressure! I’ve put together a free printable in case you are in need of an activity list to help keep you organized!


The more Christmases I have under my belt as a mom, the more relaxed I get about the Christmas season. Sometimes we nail our advent reading and have something fun and clever planned and sometimes we get home late from a game or a child is up working on a school project and we skip it. I’ve learned not to stress. I’m reminding myself to just enjoy each day, because it’s easy to get caught up in what you haven’t done or feel behind, but I know that putting pressure on myself during a very busy season will end up making me not that fun to be around.

If you are in need of a few ideas to streamline your Christmas season, check out this post or if you could use some healthy living inspiration (always good during cookie season!!), read here: Healthy Habits to Start Before the New Year.

I hope you have a wonderful week!