When Your Heart Feels Heavy…

She walks into the kitchen and rifles though the bags of brightly colored boxes, grabbing a handful of chocolate chips.
Back again for the mini cup of Oreos she was saving for her preschooler.
She scans the fridge in search of that last slice of pizza.

Friends, our souls are hungry. Ravenous for meaning, purpose, security, hope. We long for an anchor for our souls, a place to rest our weary heads and hearts.

If she was honest in that moment, would she voice the fears that she is stuffing down with each bite. If she stopped to look in the mirror, would a weariness or sorrow stare back at her.

Maybe she is grieving the death of a child, a friendship, an identity.
Fearful of trying and failing again…does that make her a failure?
Maybe it’s an unlived dream–unrealized potential.
Heartache…a wound, buried deep, guilt tucked away and saved for later.
A marriage shriveled up and died away taking a piece of her with it.

Dear sister. I see you, I hear you, I am with you. Our brokenness, our weariness, our heart heaviness and pain can only be healed by the one who knows you and loves you perfectly.

He wants to write a beautiful story with you and through you. 

Sometimes we can feel like we are in a holding pattern or we missed the boat. Or perhaps it feels like we’ve made too many mistakes; we’re too far gone for our lives to matter, but I want to pull you close and whisper something deep inside your heart…whether you are old or young, no matter your shape or disability, your color or your income, regardless of your past or your shortcomings…God is not done with you. Until you take your last breath, you have work to do. And I mean that in a soul-filling, heart hungering, breath-quickening way–your days count. Your life matters. You are still here for a reason.

So let him lean in and touch those hidden places, heal your broken pieces instead of stuffing down the heartache.

Dear one, meaning doesn’t look like a stage. It’s not lights or applause; A book deal, or a boatload of money. It’s not a perfect family or an organized home.

Meaning is found in obedience, in running hard after what He has called you to…even when it doesn’t make sense. Even when you can’t see the end of the road…even when you are unsure.

Sister. You’ve been called to shine so brightly. Don’t stay out of the game too long. Maybe it’s time to grieve and to hunker down…and that is good and right in its season, but don’t stay there.

Or maybe it’s time to dust yourself off and let him carry you forward.

Regardless, I’m rooting for you.


  1. So good! “Meaning is found in obedience…” Yes! Submitting my flesh to His better way. This is abundant life. Thanks Katie!

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