6 Healthy Snacks for On the Go

When life gets full, it’s easy to throw healthy eating by the wayside…in fact, exercise and nutrition tend to be one of the first things to go in the midst of a busy week (or month)…I think we’ve all been there! The list gets long and the easiest task to cross out is the thing you don’t really “have” to do. Unfortunately, when we let ourselves go too long without getting back on track, these unhealthy food choices have the potential to begin a ripple effect of poor choices–not just in your diet but in all areas of discipline. The sugar cookies for breakfast and leftover Thai food for lunch sap your energy which turns into skipping your workout, staying on the couch, not getting dressed in real clothes, feeling unmotivated, and on it goes. Your energy, outlook, skin, digestion, and immune function (to name a few things!) are all directly linked to your diet, so it is crucial that we, as busy moms, make eating well a priority. Simple, healthy snacks don’t need to be complicated or time-consuming, but they do require a little forethought.

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Light Structure

There are a lot of philosophies on meals and snacks, timing and structure. But I like to keep it simple. I’ve learned what works well for my body and what doesn’t. I feel best and make the best food decisions when I have a small snack in between meals–always between lunch and dinner and if I’m hungry then between breakfast and lunch too. I find I make better food decisions when I’m not starving for the next meal. I used to be an all-day grazer, but have found that a little structure prevents me from overconsuming food I don’t need because I have some parameters in place–not a rigid set of rules and musts–but some simple guardrails. This is especially important for stay-at-home or work-from-home mommas with a pantry at arms reach all day. It’s way too easy to turn to the snack bin for comfort when the kids or work gets stressful.

Smart Snacking

I’ve found that simple, whole foods make the best healthy snacks because they are fiber-filled and take a little while to consume…I love to crunch on something in the afternoon, but if I’m not being mindful and intentional about what I’m eating, it will end up being chips, popcorn or chocolate. Instead, I try to always stock my pantry and fridge with the staples I need to make my favorite healthy snacks.

Here are six portable snacks I eat on repeat that are perfect for busy, on-the-go lifestyles.

1 | Grapes + String Cheese

This combo is oddly satisfying with a bit of a sweet and salty, and some crunch added in. When good grapes are available, this is one of my favorite portable snacks that I could eat every day of the week.

2 | Apple + Nut Butter

Honeycrisp or Pink Lady apples are my favorite with a spoon of nut butter. I looove peanut butter, but this year, I am going to try to branch out a bit and add almond, cashew, and mixed nut butters into the rotation. If I’m feeling fancy, sometimes I’ll sprinkle a little cocoa powder or pumpkin pie spice over the apple to give it some extra flavor. This is a great snack in the fall when you can go apple picking and stock up on seasonal produce straight from the farm!

3 | Citrus Fruit + Nuts

Grapefruit, satsumas, oranges–whatever your favorite citrus fruit is, fresh, juicy fruit makes a delicious, hydrating snack and even though I’m not a huge fan of almonds plain, they are delicious when they are dry roasted with a little salt and eaten with a sweet fruit. I prefer cashews or pistachios, but almonds have so many benefits, that I try to rotate those in too.

Costco generally has the biggest and most delicious grapefruit in the winter. When I can pick up a sack of those, the whole house is happy. One of my best friends from college eats grapefruit like an orange, pulling off the peels and eating it by the slice! A great option for not wasting any of the fiber-rich skin and making the most of your fruit!

4 | Greek Yogurt + Berries

My kids love Greek yogurt and frozen mixed berries together. I’m not a big dairy eater, but love a good quality coconut yogurt. You can also add toasted pepitas (pumpkin seeds), slivered almonds, or chopped nuts to the top or even a little granola. My favorite homemade granola is from Katie Lee’s cookbook. I used to make it weekly.

5 | Natural Jerkey

Epic, Chomps, Vermont, Archer…there are so many brands that make Grass-fed, sugar-free, gluten-free jerkey and meat sticks that keep it clean in the protein department. If I’ve had a smoothie for breakfast but didn’t add enough protein, then these are a perfect way to hold me over until the next meal. I don’t eat them often when I’m home, but love to keep them in the car for a portable pick me up when I’m needing a snack but didn’t plan ahead.

6 | Crudite + Almond Crackers + Hummus

Sabra and Kirkland brand make delicious hummus dips and these crackers by Simple Mills are so yummy! My favorite dippers include:

  • Radishes
  • Celery sticks
  • Pea snaps
  • Green Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Carrot Sticks

Radishes have become one of my very favorite veggies. They are a root veggie that have the best crunch, last well in the fridge, and boast tons of health benefits. Rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C (great for tissue growth and repair), calcium (important for your teeth + bones), and potassium. They even contain chemical compounds that help regulate your blood sugar.

How you feel affects your whole day…and your life is simply a series of days. As busy women who are always on the go, prioritizing good quality, fresh food the majority of the time is crucial to show up well on a daily basis.

For more healthy living inspiration or to kickstart your healthy habits, read here.